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Bellingham Planning Board Updates – November Meeting

By Jennifer Russo
At the latest Planning Board meeting on November 14th, discussions continued over several applications currently under consideration including a non-residential subdivision construction at 306 Maple Street, an application by LMP for a scenic road special permit involving the entry area of 169 Maple Street, and a 15,000 SF industrial building on Maple Street lots 3 and 3A, located across from the existing J. Brian Day building.
306 Maple Street Non-Residential Subdivision
As discussed in previous meetings, the 306 Maple Street non-residential subdivision proposes the eventual building of a 60,000 SF warehouse, with no determined use at this time. The request put before the board at the meeting was to freeze the zoning to accommodate the project. Waivers were requested for the official file that included information verifying that the lots meet subdivision regulations (width, curbing, grade, emergency outlets, etc.), that a drainage and stormwater analysis be completed, and other considerations. It was recommended that discussion be continued, with a draft of a conditional document to be prepared for review. This conditional document would include specifics that if a warehouse were to be built, the plans would need to come back to the board before building for all necessary analysis and approvals. The topic was continued to the December 12th agenda.
LMP Scenic Road Special Permit
The LMP application for a scenic-road special permit proposes constructing a retaining wall and upgrades to the entry of 169 Maple Street, where the large mulch operation resides. The building of this wall would include the removal of a tree, and the applicant did work with the conservation commission, where they received a condition for storm water installation. With 30 other conditions to development, LNP challenged 8 of them, which were stricken by the Superior Court. The applicant requested to the Planning Board in this meeting to approve an upgrade to a timber wall. The Planning Board said that they received landscape plans, but not submittals about the sound barrier wall and would like more details on that wall and its adequacy before moving forward. The issue was continued to the January 23rd meeting agenda with a recommendation that the Town Council attend.
There was a public comment about a fire access road, which the Fire Chief agreed to look into.
0 Maple Street (Lots 3 and 3A) – Industrial Trades Building
There was continued discussion of the proposal to build an industrial trades building and associated parking with 30-foot driveway. The building plan had been amended for a reduced footprint, now at 15,000 SF (5 units at 3,000 SF each), a reduction down to one driveway instead of the original two, and less parking spaces. The applicant discussed stormwater standards and water quality, letting the board know that all water would be captured and treated, and there is a tie into a scenic road permit with a request to remove some existing trees and replace with nursery grade trees and shrubbery. It is anticipated that three employees would work onsite. The Fire Chief did have questions about sprinkler plans, access to FDC and location of hydrants, if there would be a fire lane that allowed for a ladder truck on building sides. The applicant agreed to send this information as well as preliminary architectural plans. The board also requested a cut & fill analysis to ensure earth removal regulations were compliant, and that a noise study be completed.
A resident asked if there was research done on the proposed driveway location and line of sight for travelers on the road when commercial trucks would be turning into it, as well as considerations of traffic build up.
A resident raised the suggestion to the applicant that when considering a name for the building, looking at naming it “Qua Hill,” which is what it was known as before the building of 495. The applicant has also proposed a monument at the location.
The discussion was continued to the 12/12 agenda for quantifying tree and earth removal, noise ordinance studies, building elevation plan, and fire safety plans – items that would be due to the board by 12/4 for review.
Note: Though on the agenda for the November meeting, the Prospect Hill Village application was not discussed as the applicant dropped off additional information for review, and so that topic has been continued to the 12/12 agenda.
The public is strongly encouraged to attend the December 12th Planning Board meeting when many of these topics will be discussed in more detail.
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