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International Fellows Impressed by Vocational Education National Defense University Tours BVT

Kallie Allen of Hopedale, a junior in Biotechnology and Massachusetts SkillsUSA President, spoke with a group of the International Fellows.

Students, staff, and administrators at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School (BVT) recently welcomed members of the National Defense University International Fellows program to their campus. The visiting group of veterans and active-duty military officials representing 83 countries were excited to tour the school and speak with students about their education.

The National Defense University in Washington, D.C., provides senior international civilian and military leaders with graduate learning opportunities. Its International Fellows program is a one-year intensive program focused on educating, inspiring, and developing national security leaders. As part of their studies, the International Fellows Class of 2024 visited Upton, Massachusetts, on September 20th to gain a better understanding of the American education system. 

At BVT, the group received a first-hand look at career technical education. They walked the hallways, observed teachers and students at work in 18 modern vocational shops, and peeked into classrooms. The tour ended with tasty treats professionally prepared and arranged by students in the Culinary Arts program for the visitors to enjoy before participating in a question-and-answer session with administrators and students.

Having observed the hands-on training students receive in their vocational classrooms, the group was interested in learning how students balance their vocational and academic coursework. They also wanted to know how students decided which vocational program to study during high school and their plans to continue pursuing their chosen fields. 

“BVT has incredible resources,” said International Fellow Edward, of the United Kingdom, while touring the school. “It was a great opportunity to observe students putting theoretical learning into practice at a young age.”

“During the comprehensive tour, I saw students working with modern tools and equipment they’d use in the industry,” said International Fellow Alex of Romania. “It’s impressive that the students have technical skills that will allow them to compete and work anywhere in the world. Very cool.”

The recent visit exemplifies how BVT works to expand its student’s knowledge by sharing perspectives. Interacting with the International Fellows allowed the students to learn about the aspects of a military career. Our students were proud to speak about their experience and showcase what education is like at a regional vocational high school in the United States.  

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