Sep 25, 2020 06:00AM ● By Kenneth Hamwey
Esther Martone may not think of herself as a go-to expert on Covid-19, but she certainly has become a valuable asset in Bellingham at a crucial time in the town’s history.
Sep 25, 2020 06:00AM ● By Pamela Johnson
Early Voting will begin on October 17th and continue through October 30th in the Arcand Room of the Bellingham Municipal Center. The last day for voter registration is October 24th at 8PM.
Firefighter Joseph Robidoux was named by the instructors of the MA Firefighting Academy as the recipient of the Richard N. Bangs Award, which is given to an outstanding student.
In the Bellingham area, diners are blessed with lots of choices for fine dining at Italian restaurants. How to choose? “There’s a lot of love that goes into the dishes we prepare”...
Temporary Policy in Response to Covid-19: Effective August 13, 2020 children in 7th grade and under are not permitted in the library without a parent or guardian. Read October news.
It looks like the next step in the Senior Center returning to something resembling “normal” will happen October 1, when all COVID policies and procedures will be in place.
With Halloween right around the corner, Ostrander Insurance thought it would be a good idea to have some fun with a true or false quiz for our loyal readers.
October is here and the kids have gone back to school in a hybrid way. Between that and colder weather approaching, many are watching for a predicted uptick in the the number of Covid cases.
Sep 25, 2020 06:00AM ● By Eli Sylvia
Bellingham Youth Baseball Inc. (BYBI) played a full spring season this summer, playoffs and all. The season went surprisingly well considering the conditions. Congrats to the White Sox!