Bellingham Senior Center Highlighted Events for October

The Bellingham Senior Center is located at 40 Blackstone St., Bellingham. Reach them at (508) 966-0398 or online at
COA’S CRAFT FAIR: Saturday, November 2, promises to be a great day! It is a good time to do some shopping with 23 vendors and a variety of merchandise such as Christmas decorations, handmade jewelry, pottery, knitted items and more! The “like new room,” the Bake Table and our beautiful raffle baskets complete our Craft Fair. Oh, and yes, we will have a kitchen -- muffins/donuts & coffee and lunch to include hot dogs, meatball subs, chips, pizza, veggie chili, water and soda! The Senior Center hosts the Craft Fair from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. See you then!
HALLOWEEN TRADITIONS: In Halloween Traditions in Boston, Anthony Sammarco discusses the history of the Salem Witch-craft Trials which caused such tremendous anxiety and fear and the deaths of many innocent people in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692 to the decorating of Beacon Hill as a veritable neighborhood of whim-sy, decorated with macabre skulls, bones and cobwebs to pumpkins and lighted Jack O’Lanterns, as well as costumes, parties and treats are discussed. Call ahead to reserve your spot on Friday, October 18, at 1 p.m.
TREASURE BOX QUILLING: Quilling is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. Each participant will complete a small treasure box with a quilling design on the lid made by hand. Three-hour class includes all materials and tools to create your own unique gift box. $12 class fee due at pre-registration; to reserve your spot please stop by the Center’s front desk. Join us
Friday, October 18, 9 a.m.-noon.
PLAY WITH CLAY: Learn to make something wonderful with nature and clay. Make items from nature to create a coaster, ornament, or small dish. All supplies will be provided, but if you have something you’d like to use as your imprint, then bring it. Join us on Tuesday, October 15, at 1 p.m. And please call ahead to (508) 966-0398. Our thanks for the Bellingham Cultural Council for a grant that makes this presentation possible.
SPIRITUAL BOOK CLUB: Continuing this month will be a discussion about the book The Choice—Embrace the Possible. Book Club meets via Zoom on Mondays at 9 a.m. Please call host Josie Dutil at (508) 657-2705 to join or for more information.
COFFEE & CONVERSATION: Join the clever, smart, sociable folks who turn out for C&C. Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., and you are invited! On October 15, Stephanie Gray from U.S. Representative Jake Auchincloss’s office will be a special guest.
SHINE: Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15 and runs through December 7. This year, we will have both phone (quick questions or basic information) and in-person appointments (more complicated issues) on Wednesday mornings. Appointments are scheduled for one hour each. Both Darlene Groves and Judy Higgins will be handling the SHINE open enrollment appointments this fall. To schedule, please call the Senior Center at (508) 966-0398.
2ND ANNUAL 60TH BIRTHDAY PARTY: residents who were born in 1964 have been invited to a party at the Senior Center. Thursday, October 10, at 6 p.m. Please call ahead to reserve your spot.
SAFE DRIVING: Coming up is the second of three workshops about Safe Driving. It is the Driving Decision Workshop on Thursday, October 10, at 11 a.m.
SCAMS: How to prevent elderly com-munity members from falling victim to scams that could drain their savings, endanger, or frighten them is the focus of a presentation on Tuesday, October 22, at 11:30 a.m. It will be presented by the Class of 2026 students from the Legal and Protective Services career program at Tri-County RVTHS.
REFRIGERATOR ORGANIZING CLASS: Mary Alice Harbour will be back again on Tuesday November 5th at 11:30 a.m. This time she will be presenting a plan on how to set up your refrigerator. You will leave with: A prepared package by Mary Alice. Join us!
Please call the Senior Center at (508) 955-0398 to reserve your spot.