Bellingham Democrats Begin a Busy Year
Pictured at the Democratic State Convention are: (L-R) Kevin Keppler, Patricia Keppler, Phil Devine, Lora Davidson, Nina Benjamin
The Bellingham Democratic Town Committee began the 2023-2024 year by completing the election of new officers at the September 1 meeting. Lora Davidson and Pat Keppler were chosen as Co-Chairs. Maria Nyren was named Vice Chair, Nina Benjamin becomes Secretary, and Kevin Keppler returns as Treasurer.
Five members of the Town Committee represented Bellingham Democrats at the recent State Convention, which was held on September 24 at Tsongas Arena at the University of Lowell. In attendance was the new Chair, Lora Davidson, in addition to members Nina Benjamin, Phil Devine, and Kevin and Patricia Keppler. All representatives were elected as delegates at the annual caucus.
The convention began with morning training sessions, sponsored breakfasts, and an exhibit hall open to interested attendees. State Chair Steve Kerrigan welcomed the delegates to the general meeting at 10 AM. The assembled delegates then voted on charter changes that made veterans a defined group that may be added to local delegations as representatives of a marginalized group. Votes were also taken to bring gender-related language to more modern usage, and to clarify that State Committee members (except for the Chair) are not be eligible for full-time employment with the State Committee.
Much of the day was dedicated to speeches by all elected Democratic state officials, including Governor Healey, Attorney General Andrea Campbell and Senators Warren and Markey. Mayor Wu of Boston, Mayor Chau of Lowell, and Massachusetts AFL-CIO leader Steve Tolman also addressed the gathering. Moakley Internships and JFK Scholarships were awarded to ten deserving students. The Democratic State Convention is held annually, with delegates chosen at meetings of local committees.
The Bellingham DTC works for the election of Democratic political candidates, takes part in community events in town, and sponsors an annual scholarship for a graduating Bellingham High School student. The committee meets on the first Wednesday of most months at the Town Hall. All Democrats in town are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Pat Keppler at (508) 966-0003.