BWOT Concludes Busy Year, Elects New Board
The Bellingham Women of Today had a great year with many activities for members and the community. The annual Butterbraid fundraiser was a great success. Letters from Santa were mailed to area children and the group made holiday wrapped candy which was delivered to homebound seniors by the Meals on Wheels program. Muffins with Santa was held at St. Blaise church and a holiday donation was made to the St Blaise Adopt-A-Family program,
Spring brought carrot decorated candy for the elderly homebound, letters from the Easter Bunny were mailed, the Easter Bunny came to town for Muffins with the Easter Bunny, and a new contest of Peeps Dioramas was held at the library. While marching in this year’s Memorial Day Parade it was great to so many people line the way.
The group provided two scholarships to Bellingham High School students, volunteering in the community, to further their education. The Joanne Eisner scholarship and the BWOT scholarship.
Annual elections were held and the new board consists of President, Sue Beattie; Treasurers Dee Clark and Melonie Mancini; PR, Dee Clark; Membership/ID, Emilee Whittaker; Secretary, Christy Massarotti and Stephanie Hewitt, Sunshine Fund.
These are just some of the BWOT local projects.
We also have fun with members activities. We would like you to join us as we continue to serve our community. We are open to men and women 18 years or older. We meet September through June on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Police Department conference room at 30 Blackstone Street.
The BWOT is a nonprofit civic organization and has served Bellingham and surrounding communities for over 35 years. We support Domestic Violence Awareness, and Wellness & Personal Development programming areas. It is one of six Massachusetts chapters of the United States Women of Today. This organization was founded in 1985 by former members of United States Jaycees Women. The United States Women of Today has more than 1,880 members in 13 states in America and Limassol, Cypress is our international chapter. See our Facebook page for more details or email [email protected].