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Senior Center Announces October '21 News & Events

Sep 30, 2021 06:00AM ● By Pamela Johnson

Bellingham Senior Center

To save time & fuel, please call ahead (508-966-0398) to confirm your interest and attendance in upcoming programs, since those with nobody registered will be cancelled; others may be rescheduled.

  • Local Historian Jim Buckley returns to the Senior Center on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 11 am. He’ll be talking about a courageous Bellingham woman and what she did during the hurricane of 1938. Call the center to sign up (508-966-0398).Anyone Can Paint Orca, the Killer Whale! Join professional art instructor Darrell Crow as he leads each student through the painting process step-by-step. Classes will be held on Wednesdays, Oct. 6 and 13, 1—3 PM. Special senior rates of $25.00 per painting apply. All supplies will be provided except for paint brushes, easels, and paper towels; please bring your own. We will provide paint, canvases, etc. To enroll, call the Bellingham Senior Center (508-966-0398). Visit Darrell’s website ( for more information about him and the program.
  • COA Board Meeting will be held in person on Oct. 12, at 11 AM. Plan to attend and hear what is happening at the center.
  • Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud—The MA Senior Medicare Patrol Program is coming to the Senior Center on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1 PM. Participate in a discussion on how to prevent, detect, and report healthcare errors, fraud, and abuse. This free information workshop will provide you with tools to become a more informed and engaged healthcare consumer, including the importance of protecting your Medicare number. Reserve your spot by calling Terri Graham at 508-966-0398.
  • MultiGenerational Meet the Author—On Friday, Oct. 15, at 1 pm, Author Phyllis Calvey will be at the Senior Center for a free reading/presentation of her latest book that seniors and their grandchildren can attend. “I think it would be perfect to conjure up all those Halloween feelings we remember so well and share some interesting stories about writing the book itself,” said Calvey. Grandchildren are encouraged to come to the presentation in full Halloween costume. Signed copies of the book will be available. Please call ahead to reserve your spot.
  • Book Club — Tuesday, October 26, at 6 pm. Read The Street Lawyer by John Grisham and enjoy a discussion.
  • Halloween Party—Oct. 28, at 12 PM. The annual celebration will be catered by Micky G’s with their splendid fish & chips. Dress up, bring the grandkids and let’s have some fun!
  • Hearing Healthcare—Thursday, October 28, 10 AM. Free hearing screening, hearing-aid cleaning, and video ear exam. Service provided by At Home Hearing Healthcare. Please call ahead to schedule.

Ongoing Weekly Programs

Spiritual Book Club, 9 AM. Discussion on The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

Women’s Wellness, 1:30 PM

Chinese Calligraphy, 2 PM

These programs are all via Zoom and free. Contact Terri Graham (508-966-0398) to sign up and to receive a weekly email listing all Zooming opportunities.

(At the end of this article you will find the Bellingham Senior Center's complete, at-a-glance October calendar.)

“Our role is to serve as advocates for seniors in the Bellingham community. Outreach workers assess and facilitate connections to services and programs for seniors despite their income or assets. We conduct home visits independently to assist seniors and their families to assess their needs and facilitate access to programs and services.” Terri Graham and Lisa Mottola provide senior center outreach services. You may reach them at [email protected] or [email protected] or 508-966-0398.

If you have a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug or Medicare Advantage plan, your plan should have mailed you a document called the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) by the end of last month. The ANOC is a summary of changes to your plan for 2022. Your costs (premiums, deductibles, and copays), covered medications, and provider networks may change from year to year. Make sure you read this important document and think about whether your plan will continue to meet your needs. If you did not receive it in the mail, call your plan and request another copy.

You may change your plan for 2022 during the annual Medicare Open Enrollment Period. You may make changes to your coverage between October 15th and December 7th, and the changes will take effect January 1st. SHINE counselors can help you understand changes to your current plan, as well as discuss other options you may have. Don’t wait—if you would like to meet with a SHINE counselor during open enrollment, make your appointment early!
You can make a telephone appointment to speak with our Bellingham SHINE representative Jean Roy by calling the center at 508-966-0398.

This month, Roy will be available on Wednesdays, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, and Oct. 27. Appointments are 45 minutes long and are scheduled between 9 AM and 12 PM.

Volunteers Needed for Tax Season

There’s a partnership between the IRS and the AARP Foundation, and volunteer counselors are needed to help low- and moderate-income people prepare their fed-eral and state income taxes.

Additional positions for site greeters are also available. Last year more than 4,700 returns were prepared at 41 sites around Worcester County. Nationally, almost three million taxpayers avail themselves of Tax-Aide services.

Volunteers work 4-6 hours per week for the eleven weeks during tax preparation season (Feb. 1–Apr 15). Training for volunteer preparers will be on three Saturdays in December. Internet access and basic computer skills are necessary.

For an application and/or further information, visit; select “volunteer,” then select “Tax Aide.”

Bellingham Senior Center October Calendar


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