Ribbon Cutting Held at New Police Station to Mark Official Opening
Oct 01, 2015 06:00AM ● By Pamela JohnsonShown (L–R) are Town Administrator Denis Fraine, Officer James Russell (in back), Selectmen Chairman Mike Soter, Police Chief Gerard L. Daigle Jr., State Senator Ryan Fattman, State Rep. Kevin Kuros (in back) and Lieutenant Kevin Ranieri.
On Sunday, September 13, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to kick off the official opening of the new police station in Bellingham. Tours of the new facility were offered, along with light refreshments. The new one-story, 13,700 square-foot facility cost the town $6.6 million, which was founded without a debt exclusion or override, and replaces the existing police station which had numerous physical problems, but more importantly, was no longer up to code. To view the event in pictures, check out the photo gallery.
Open House at new Bellingham Police Station [8 Images]
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