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Annual Blueberry Festival Held at Senior Center

Aug 27, 2015 07:04AM ● By Marjorie Turner Hollman

COA Board Chairman Rita Tetreault and Program Manager Sheila Ronkin with the pie

story & photos by Marjorie T. Hollman, Bulletin Contributing Writer

Strawberry festivals are an annual summer tradition in June for many towns in the area. But a blueberry festival? Senior Center director Laura DeMatttia explained, “We started out having a strawberry festival. It was so successful we decided to add on a blueberry festival, with pie from the Ever So Humble Pie Company in East Walpole ( and ice cream. This is just for fun.”

And what fun. “Tempo Tantrum,” a Sweet Adelines a cappella group, shared some Broadway show tunes and some silly songs that invited audience participation, and threw in some jokes as well. The quartet even turned introducing the group members into a comedy routine, gently needling one another, all in great fun. A few folks were so inspired by the group’s musical rhythms that they got up and enjoyed a few turns on the dance floor.

After the entertainment, the true star of the show, the blueberry pie, arrived, with scoops of ice cream, just right for a warm summer’s day.

It looks like the Blueberry Festival is destined to become an annual tradition, right alongside the Bellingham Senior Center’s annual Strawberry Festival. It’s been a warm summer, but the “fruits of the season” are a big part of what we all enjoy about summer. Blueberries, pie, ice cream—now, that’s certainly something to sing about!
Tempo Tantrum can be contacted at [email protected].

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