Eagle Scout James Ulsh Honored
Jul 28, 2014 03:03PM ● By Lynn UlshEagle Scout James Ulsh and MA State Senator Richard T. Moore (D-Uxbridge)
MA State Senator Richard T. Moore (D-Uxbridge) recently honored James Ulsh of Bellingham Troop 1 with a citation from the state legislature for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. James, a member of the BHS class of 2014, will attend the University of New Hampshire this fall, where he will pursue a degree in secondary education. For his Eagle project, James built a wooden shade pergola over a picnic table at Wrentham Manor senior housing development. The project was completed with help of several scouts and members of the community. In addition to earning the Eagle Scout rank, Ulsh was also inducted into the Order of the Arrow, an honor society for Boy Scouts. He completed leadership training at a White Stag campout. The Senator frequently attends Eagle Scout Courts of Honor to recognize young men on earning the highest rank in the Boy Scouting program.